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What is the purchase price of plastic shopping bags from shopping bag manufacturers?

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What is the purchase price of plastic shopping bags from shopping bag manufacturers?

Date of release:2019-07-04 Author: Click:

What is the purchase price of the plastic shopping bag of the plastic bag of the shopping bag manufacturer?

On September 23, the reporter contacted a plastics factory in Beijing as a merchant. The person in charge of the factory with a high surname told reporters that the plastic shopping bags they produced were all thicker than 0.025 mm. There are three kinds of specifications for most supermarkets. The price ranges from 0.15 yuan to 0.35 yuan. More than one, each can also be cheaper by 0.01 yuan. Subsequently, the reporter also contacted three plastic shopping bag manufacturers in Hebei and Guangzhou, the price is basically the same as that of the Beijing manufacturers. The reporter learned from a plastic shopping bag manufacturer in Hebei Province that they have four types of plastic shopping bags, ranging in price from 0.1 yuan to 0.36 yuan. A salesperson of the factory told reporters: "Our plastic shopping bags are sold throughout the country, most of which are mainly large supermarkets in the country. These supermarkets purchase as many as several million at a time. The amount, we also give them appropriate to make some profit." What is the purchase price?


In the investigation, the reporter found that the major supermarkets in Hohhot are priced at 0.2-0.5 yuan for plastic shopping bags according to size specifications. According to the purchase price of a plastic shopping bag of 0.15~0.35 yuan, and deducting the cost calculation, the merchant can earn a profit of 0.05~0.1 yuan for each plastic shopping bag. According to a supermarket selling 1,500 plastic shopping bags a day, it is a small number of years.

On September 23, the reporter contacted a plastics factory in Beijing as a merchant. The person in charge of the factory with a high surname told reporters that the plastic shopping bags they produced were all thicker than 0.025 mm. There are three kinds of specifications for most supermarkets. The price ranges from 0.15 yuan to 0.35 yuan. More than one, each can also be cheaper by 0.01 yuan. Subsequently, the reporter also contacted three plastic shopping bag manufacturers in Hebei and Guangzhou, the price is basically the same as that of the Beijing manufacturers. The reporter learned from a plastic shopping bag manufacturer in Hebei Province that they have four types of plastic shopping bags, ranging in price from 0.1 yuan to 0.36 yuan. A salesperson of the factory told reporters: "Our plastic shopping bags are sold throughout the country, most of which are mainly large supermarkets in the country. These supermarkets purchase as many as several million at a time. The number, we also give them appropriate to make some benefits."

 In the investigation, the reporter found that the major supermarkets in Hohhot are priced at 0.2-0.5 yuan for plastic shopping bags according to size specifications. According to the purchase price of a plastic shopping bag of 0.15~0.35 yuan, and deducting the cost calculation, the merchant can earn a profit of 0.05~0.1 yuan for each plastic shopping bag. According to a supermarket selling 1,500 plastic shopping bags a day, it is a small number of years. Shopping bag manufacturer

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